Dale Glading's Blog

The Four Faces of Joe Biden - Part 2

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

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Hopefully, you have recovered from yesterday’s introduction to “Creepy Joe” and “Sleazy Joe” and are now ready to meet two of his other alter egos.

Meet “Geritol Joe” Biden, the confused and decrepit octogenarian who currently occupies the Oval Office. At the risk of scaring the “bejeebies” out of you, he also has access to America’s nuclear weapon arsenal.

In case you see him wandering aimlessly down Pennsylvania Avenue… or in Rehoboth Beach… or on Nantucket Island… Geritol Joe is relatively harmless and can usually be spotted licking an ice cream cone.

He just exudes confidence and competence, doesn’t he? It’s no wonder Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are shaking in their boots.

Watching Geritol Joe walk stiffly across the White House lawn like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz – dodging reporters’ questions as he goes – makes you wonder who is really running the show. “Pay no attention to the man behind the podium,” his handlers must be thinking. Meanwhile, Joe cries out “Oil, oil” just like Jack Haley did in the classic 1939 movie, hoping that someone named Dorothy will loosen up his ever-tightening joints.

Then there are those permanently-squinting eyes, straining to read the triple-spaced large-print words on his teleprompter. Can someone please get Geritol Joe his trifocals!

Strangely – as if on cue – Geritol Joe gives way to a screaming and screeching version of the same guy whenever a big speech needs to be made. Let’s call him “Adderall Joe” because my suspicion is that Mr. Biden is prescribed this combination drug (also marketed as Mydayis) whenever there is a debate or other high-profile event on his calendar.

Drugging the Commander-in-Chief of the United States so that for a few critical hours he appears alert and energetic is the biggest hoax perpetrated on the American people since Edith Wilson served as de facto president for 17 months while her husband Woodrow was incapacitated from a stroke.

The side effects of Adderall and its four salts of amphetamine include euphoria, increased wakefulness, improved cognitive control, and a change in sex drive. We will have to ask Dr. Jill Biden about that last one.

Adderall is prescribed for ADHD, otherwise known as attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and narcolepsy. However, it is illegal to use it to enhance athletic performance or cognition, to suppress appetite, or to be used recreationally.

Do you want to know what someone looks like who is on Adderall or some other amphetamine when they shouldn’t be? Well, let's just say that their eyes bulge and the veins on their neck stick out.

It’s not very pretty, is it? On the contrary, it is downright scary. But that doesn’t matter to the puppet masters who are pulling the strings behind the scenes. To them, it’s all about maintaining power… period.

And so, there you have it folks, the Four Faces of Joe Biden: “Creepy Joe”… “Sleazy Joe”… “Geritol Joe” and “Adderall Joe”. For my money’s worth, none of them is capable of carrying out the duties of the presidency.

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