Dale Glading's Blog

Why EVERY American Should Be Pro-Life

Monday, March 15, 2021

Comments: 3

Here are just a few reasons why every American, regardless of political party, should be Pro-Life, oppose abortion, and seek to see Roe v. Wade overturned…

…Because being Pro-Choice is really being Pro-Racism

Black Americans comprise approximately 12% of our population, but account for an estimated 34% of all abortions. That means that since the Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973, more than 22 million black babies have been aborted – a number that exceeds the entire U.S. black population in 1960.

Simply put, if you support abortion, you are a racist… just like Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, whose avowed goal was to eradicate the black race. Today, Planned Parenthood locates the majority of its clinics (I call them abortuaries) in minority communities, preying on black and Hispanic mothers in crisis.

…Because being Pro-Choice is really being Anti-Science

Every embryo and every fetus has DNA that is unique and distinct from its mother. It also has its own one-of-a-kind fingerprints and a separate circulatory system. That means that an unborn child is NOT part of a woman’s body. On the contrary, it is a preborn human being created in the image and likeness of God Himself – and taking its life is premeditated murder.

An embryo’s heart starts beating as early as 18 days, long before most women even realize that they are pregnant. If the definition of clinical death is the cessation of a heartbeat, why isn’t life defined as the presence of a heartbeat?

It really comes down to personhood versus property. Unborn babies are people, deserving of basic human rights and protections under our Constitution. They are not property to be discarded because they are unwanted or inconvenient.

…Because being Pro-Choice is really being Pro-Torture

The Eighth Amendment specifically prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment”. Every year, death row inmates seek stays of execution using this clause as the basis for their argument.

Somehow, we seem more concerned with the legal rights of convicted murderers than we do those of innocent unborn children. Lethal injections and other means of adult execution are far more humane – and less barbaric – than surgical abortions such as suction aspiration, dilation and curettage (D&C), dilation and evacuation (D&E), and dilation and extraction (D&X or partial birth abortion). They are also far less painful than so-called medical and chemical abortions involving mifepristone (RU-486, which starves the fetus to death), methotrexate (which attacks the baby’s cells and life-support systems), and salt poisoning (which causes death by dehydration, hemorrhaging, or convulsions… completely burns the child’s skin… and takes a full hour).

Let me close with an argument I never tire of making…

In 1861, it wasn’t enough to say that – because I oppose slavery – I will not buy or sell another human being. No, my friend, some social ills are so inherently evil that they must be eliminated entirely. The Civil War was fought to ensure that NO ONE owned a slave… not just those who opposed the practice.

In similar fashion, abortion is so reprehensible that it is not enough for those who oppose it on moral and ethical grounds to refuse to have one. Our national conscience demands that this genocidal procedure be outlawed permanently for everyone.

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  1. Susan Baldwin Susan Baldwin Awesome article. You make the case perfectly. I will be sharing with my Respect Life Ministry. Tuesday, March 16, 2021
  2. Dale M Glading Dale M Glading Glad you liked my article, Susan. Please feel free to share it! Tuesday, March 16, 2021
  3. Mary Burton Mary Burton Life...our first right guaranteed under the constitution! Thursday, March 18, 2021
